
Privacy Policy

Summary: Your data belongs to you.
  • This app does not require account creation, email, or any direct user information, so we don't collect any of that information.
  • We show a few ads using Google AdMob to keep the app free (or you can pay for the ad-free version). Ad serving may use data like your advertising ID and IP address for tracking and fraud detection.
  • Members of the European Economic Area (EEA) have the option of selecting personalized or generic ads.
    • What does this mean? Jane Smith has an Android phone and uses her Google account to log in to the Play Store and download this app. To show personalized ads we would ask AdMob "send us a banner ad for the current user (Jane Smith)" and AdMob would use whatever information Google has about Jane Smith to send an ad. For a generic ad we would ask AdMob "send a generic banner ad".
    • There are ads either way, and they will likely be more relevant to you if you choose the personalized option.